Recreational boating during reconfinement in fall 2020


Although the start of 2021 promises to be fuzzy and uncertain on the health front, the days are finally starting to lengthen. Just like the curfew, extended for 25 French departments. This is the case in Alpes-Maritimes (06) since January 2, 2021. As of January 10, Bouches-du-Rhône (13) are also concerned, then the Var (83) from January 12. In short, the entire maritime border of the PACA region is subject to these new restrictions. While nautical activities are still authorized during the day in these coastal departments, the curfew from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. should be respected.

In the other departments of the metropolis, the curfew is maintained from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., a priori until January 20, according to the Prime Minister. The respect for barrier gestures, with the wearing of a mandatory mask in particular, remains a must at the dock as well as on the water. We will keep you informed of ministerial announcements as they progress.
The entire Bateau-Registration team remains at your side for your administrative procedures
and wish you a very happy new year 2021!




We were all hoping for more deconfinement and the lifting of the restrictions put in place to fight COVID-19. Nevertheless, the statements of Prime Minister Jean Castex on December 10, 2020 make travel more flexible from December 15. From this date, you can resume your water activities (water sports and boating) during the day from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. without limit of time or distance. You will no longer have to provide no proof of travel, no proof of address

As specified by the government, a curfew replaces confinement in mainland France: you will have to return to your home for 8 p.m. and continue to respect barrier gestures at the dock as on the water. Verification checks will be reinforced and carried out regularly by law enforcement agencies. We will keep you informed of the news as they progress.

Like Maritime Affairs and Customs, our services remain open to assist you in your administrative procedures.

The entire team wishes you a happy New Year!



On 12/30/2020


Find the three decrees specifying the rules concerning navigation in Metropolitan France

- English Channel and North Sea

- Atlantic

- Mediterranean 




Finally good news for yachting! The November 28, 2020 initiates a relaxation of containment and exit permits. The yachting and the nautical sports (sailing, kayaking, surfing ...) will be authorized as of this date all along the coast and inland waterways of French territory.

It will take all the same respect the restrictions planned for sports activity and walking as mentioned in the decree n ° 2020-1454 of November 27, 2020. The practice must remain individual (or grouped, but only with the other members of the household), in a 20 km radius around the home and for one maximum duration of 3 hours. This is valid until December 14 inclusive, hoping for a second phase of less restrictive deconfinement from December 15.

Make sure you have all the necessary documents in the event of an inspection: a travel declaration duly completed, a ID valid and a proof of address

The Atlantic Maritime Prefecture at published a decree specifying the modalities, it is the same for the maritime prefecture of the Channel and the North Sea,availableon our siteAt the time of writing, the maritime prefecture of the Mediterranean had not provided further details.

We will keep you regularly informed of the latest news related to boating and water sports.

Remember that our services for obtaining navigation permits continue to operate during containment, as do the Customs and Maritime Affairs services!


The 27/11/2020 at 9h54

According to all likelihoodnavigation will be authorized again for boaters from Saturday November 28, 2020, this was announced half-heartedly by Prime Minister Jean Castex, at least concerning "water sports", remains to be defined if it is not it acts as kite surfing, surfing, and other windsurfing ... Boating should (we hope) be part of the authorized activities, certainly according to a defined protocol, such as a maximum number of people authorized on board. We are impatiently awaiting the decree to appear on Saturday 28, confirming these announcements, and providing the modalities that will govern navigation, for each maritime prefecture.



The new confinement linked to the Covid-19 health crisis has severely restricted leisure and freedom of movement in France. Unfortunately, water sports are no exception to the rule. Decree n ° 2020-1310 published in the Official Journal on October 29, 2020 mentions very strict restrictions during confinement. He specifies that "the practice of leisure nautical activities, pleasure craft and diving is prohibited".

Faced with the influx of questions and special cases, the decrees issued on 2 and 3 November 2020 by the maritime prefectures of the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the North Sea and the English Channel, however, mention a few exceptions to these general rules. In what cases are we allowed to navigate during confinement? How do you put this downtime to good use?

Prefectural exceptions for pleasure boating during confinement

Pleasure boating is prohibited to avoid the spread of the virus by sea and the congestion of already saturated hospital services in the event of an accident at sea.

The rules apply to everyone and are the same in all navigation zones (maritime zone and internal waters) of French territorial waters of the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the English Channel and the North Sea. In consultation, the three maritime prefectures have defined 10 exceptions.

  • Water-based physical activities are authorized for people with disabilities or suffering from an ALD (Long-Term Affection) on medical prescription only (presentation of proof required)
  • Nautical activities in a school and extracurricular framework remain authorized
  • Nautical activities carried out as part of university training (STAPS ...) are authorized, proof of training in support
  • Professional athletes and top-level athletes are authorized to continue their nautical activities, supporting documentation
  • All nautical events are prohibited (canceled or postponed), except those essential for the continuity of the activity of high-level athletes and professionals
  • Navigation for winterizing and verifying the mooring lines of boats and pleasure craft anchored outside seaports is authorized, subject to presentation of the title deed and navigation titles
  • Maritime professional activities are authorized
  • Maritime passenger transport activities are authorized in accordance with the decree (respect for barrier gestures, etc.)
  • Rescue operations at sea and public service missions are permitted
  • Boating for compelling reasons (moving if domicile on a pleasure boat, return from cruising) is allowed, proof to support it.

These rules are in effect for the duration of the containment and until they are relaxed or the restrictions are completely lifted. As on land, regular checks will be carried out at sea by the competent authorities and offenders are therefore subject to verbalisation.

Complementary rules in the Mediterranean

The maritime prefecture of Toulon allows permanent island residents to sail in the Mediterranean "only to provide supplies to the home, for direct journeys with the nearest mainland port".

French or foreign-flagged vessels are allowed to reach their home port on the Mediterranean coast. However, they will not be able to leave until the restrictions are lifted.

Administrative procedures during containment

If you are stranded at the dock during the containment, you can use this time to undertake your administrative procedures and make your requests for navigation permits (traffic card, deed of francisation) or your requests for modifications (signal of change of address, engine, hull length ...).

Our advisors are at your side to accompany you in these tedious steps during the confinement:

We ensure that your request is fully supported to report:

It's also time to pass your boating licence. Training on training boats and examinations continue during the confinement. Compliance with sanitary measures (fewer trainees on the boat, wearing mandatory masks, rules of social distancing, etc.) specified in Decree 2020-1310 of 29 October applies vigorously to trainers and trainees.

The Annual Francization and Navigation Right (DAFN) and Containment

The DAFN is a mandatory annual fee for certain sailboats, motorboats, yachts and motor vehicles. Despite the boating ban, you will have to continue to perform the DAFN as you do every year. However, in case of payment difficulties, you can contact the Customs Office in charge of your file (the Revenue Department) to request a payment spread.

To calculate the amount of your DAFN (including antiquity), we provide you with a smart calculator.

Access the calculator