Division 240 Safety of pleasure vessels

Regulation information

Division 240, what is it?
You may have crossed its name when learning the code, for obtaining your license
sea. In France, division 240 is a regulatory text relating to ships and boats of
Plaisance with a length less than or equal to 24 meters. It defines the armaments and
Mandatory security to hold on board.

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For who ?

Owners or tenants, all the chiefs of French boats of this size are concerned,
whether they act for personal use or training. Boats that do not beat French flag,
but whose owner lies fiscally or has a registered office in France, must also

Why ?

Division 240 is designed to ensure, as much as possible the safety of crew members to
edge of a marina in navigation.

How ?

The text establishes a list of compulsory and recommended equipment and imposes the quantity
elements to hold on board, depending on the number of people on board, the type of ship and
from the chosen navigation area. Some equipment must comply with a standard,
present a marking attesting to a certain level of quality, or justify a date of
expiration not exceeded.

Where ?

The text starts from the principle that the more the navigation program is far from the coast, the more the
Navigation can be dangerous. Also, the list of compulsory armaments and security equipment
differs according to the navigation zone envisaged, and expands as one moves away from a
shelter. There are four zones:

  • Basic, up to 2 nautical miles (min) of a shelter
  • Coastal, 2 to 6 minutes from a shelter
  • Semi-upper height, between 6 and 60 minutes from a shelter
  • Hauturière, 60 minutes from a large shelter

The regulations also concern small boats such as annexes. The rule is
Specific to them: she indicates that the bucket cannot, with her, move away at more than 300
meters of a shelter. Only one exception to navigate on board more than 300 meters from the coast:
Be within a radius of 300 meters around the carrier ship, then representing a shelter. The Pleancier
In this case must hold the suitable safety equipment on board to be in good standing.

When ?

The browser is always required to submit to the regulations. Failure to comply with the division
240 constitutes an offense and can cause sanctions.

Compulsory and recommended safety equipment, decrypted

To allow you a perfect understanding of the regulations and help you choose
equipment to embark, boat-immamarculation.com presents one by one all the equipment
necessary for your navigation.

Individual buoyancy equipment (EIF)

He is the one who has to float man at sea! It can be a protective combination,
a foam or inflatable life jacket, with manual or automatic trigger. He must
Respect a standard, and its typology and buoyancy must be adapted to the user and the area
navigation. An EIF must be provided for each crew member on the boat but also in
Annex, more than 300 meters from a shelter.


It is the safety equipment that allows you to be seen if you fall into the water! It can be a lamp
waterproof torch or individual equipment associated with each edge of the edge, as
An automatic flash lamp, a luminous or cyalume stick. The system which must present a
autonomy of at least 6 hours is compulsory on all boats and also in the appendix to more than
300 meters of a shelter.

Mobile fire -fighting means

To be able to react in case of fire on board, you must take on mobile means of fighting against
The fire, one or more fire extinguishers and anti-fire cover. The devices must
Respect the standard and be judiciously placed in relation to any dangers. We will consult
The manual owner of the boat to find out the compulsory equipment to have on board.

Manual drying device

It is he who is used to evacuate the water contained on a ship, especially in the event of a waterway! He
Can be a simple scoop, a bucket, a hand pump or manual hold pump. Even though
The ship is equipped with automatic holds pumps, the head of the edge is required to hold one of them,
fixed or mobile. The device chosen must be adapted to the volume of the ship.

Towing device

To be helped and towed in the event of a problem, each boat must have a means
mooring and a rope suitable for the trailer. The mooring means may simply be a
Tap on the ship's deck and the rope a flexible end, at least 50 meters.

Mooring line

It is made up of an anchor, a chain and a cable. The chief board will choose it according to
planned anchorage areas, conditions and the type of background. The mooring line is
compulsory for all boats whose mass Lège is greater than or equal to 250 kilograms or
which have an engine with a power greater than or equal to 6.1 horsepower.

Directory of tides

In navigation areas that undergo tide, the boater must take on a means of
know the tide hours and coefficients corresponding to the frequented area and on the day of
navigation concerned. Beyond 6 miles, the carrying of a tide directory is compulsory.

National pavilion

He is responsible for informing the registration country and the nationality of the ship, and it is therefore
compulsory to hoist it outside territorial waters. The size of the equipment must be chosen in
function of the size of the boat.

Identification and assistance system for people at sea

This is the life buoy, which is launched to a person who fell in the sea after having firmly
End! The chief of board can choose his equipment from several models - horse riding buoy,
Bouée Crown or Silzig buoy - and will connect it to the boat using a floating rope.

3 red -handed lights

In the event of a distress, they allow the crew of a ship to signal, be identified by
Individuals nearby, then be rescued. The expiration date of on -board systems must not
not be exceeded.

Magnetic compass

It allows you to find your way around at sea: on the same principle as a compass, it indicates the north, thanks to the
Earth's magnetic field. On board, it must be waterproof and in accordance with standards. Less than 6
miles of a shelter, it is not compulsory and can be replaced by a waterproof GPS with function

Marine cards

They provide the boate about the navigation area, give it the opportunity to find their way and
Check the smooth running of the output at sea. Marine cards can be in paper format or
electronic, and must cover the entire frequented navigation area. They must also be
official and up to date.

International regulation to prevent sea lifts (RIPAM)

This reference document fixes the priority rules of ships. The chief of board is required to hold
The up -to -date version of the paper or electronic ripam, readable in this case on a suitable support on board. He
also exists in the form of a self -adhesive brochure to have in the cockpit of his boat, and figure
Each year in an updated version in the sea block.

Description of the markup system

This is another compulsory document, which this time allows to well interpret the markup of the area
navigation frequented by the ship. He too can be embedded in the format of his choice.

Description of the markup system

This is another compulsory document, which this time allows to well interpret the markup of the area
navigation frequented by the ship. He too can be embedded in the format of his choice.

Survival raft

The survival raft allows you to leave the ship when safety on board is no longer ensured. The
Rafts are stored in bags or in a PVC case and strike to inflate.
The boating will choose between a type 2 survival raft, suitable for coastal navigation, or
1, for the Hauturière navigation. The equipment must correspond to the category of the ship and to the
Number of people on board, to be able to take everyone if necessary.


Material to take stock

In order to navigate in good conditions, the edge of a ship must have equipment
necessary to take stock, trace and follow a road. When working on navy cards
Paper, he will use a navigation rule, a recovery compass and a dry point compass.
An electronic navigation system will not require other equipment.

Fire book

Having the Book of Fires on board is also an obligation. This time, the work describes all signals and
Navigation assistance devices that the boating is likely to meet. Again, the chief of
edge can make the choice of paper or digital format, but the possessed version must be up to date.


This is the document held at each navigation by the captain. He reports remarkable facts
occurring on board, navigation conditions, precautionary measures taken or maneuvers
important on board. The date, the detail of the crew members, the departure port and
arrival must be mentioned there. In case of damage, it is the logbook that allows you to trace
Events occurred on board.

Reception system for meteorological bulletins

He ensures the safety of the crew by allowing him to anticipate, and not to risk facing
too severe navigation conditions. To receive the weather aboard his boat, the
Bleakser can use several devices: VHF, Navtex, Blu radio or means of
Satellite communication.

Harness and lanyard

By strong conditions, the harness and the lanyard are used to focus on the boat to stay safe
on board. The harness consists of two suspenders and a ventral strap, or is integrated into a
inflatable life jacket. The lanyard, on the other hand, is simple or equipped with an elastic. He is
compulsory to hold a harness and a loin by non-revolving ship, and a lot per person
Embedded aboard a sailboat.

Emergency kit consistent with article 240-2.16

The emergency kit is compulsory beyond 6 miles of a shelter. It is the safety equipment that
Allows, if necessary, to provide first aid on board while waiting for the arrival of help. In
function of the composition of the crew and the navigation program in the coastal area, semi-
Hauturière or Hauturière, the chief of board will complete the emergency kit to anticipate at
maximum problems that can arise on his boat.

Light device for night research and location

Fixed or mobile, this device must help spot a person in the night sea, without visibility.
The waterproofing of the equipment is compulsory.

Radio Back of Claims (EPIRB)

It is she who, in the event of a problem, communicates the MMSI and the exact position of the boat to the services
Help, so that they can intervene with precision and as soon as possible. She is
Compulsory in high -upper navigation and administratively attached to the ship.


To be able to communicate effectively with the emergency services and launch a distress call,
The chief of board has the obligation to embark a fixed or portable VHF. Portable VHF can be
floating. Some VHFs are also equipped with a digital selective call system (ASN) which
allows you to launch a distress call and communicate the ship's information by a
pressure of 5 seconds on a button. Coupled with a GPS, the VHF provided with an ASN system transmits
precisely the position of the ship.

We have toured the compulsory or recommended security elements together,
board your next sea outing, depending on your area and program
navigation. If you still have questions about division 240 and armaments equipment
And security to embark on your next navigation, do not hesitate to contact the boat-immamacutchisation.com!




Division 240 Safety of pleasure vessels – Bateau-immatriculation.com