1st Registration

List of parts to provide:

  • Original of the purchase bill ship and/or, if necessary, the engine or engines
  • Original The deed of sale of the ship and/or the casing, the engine or engines

Choose from these three documents:

  • Original of the written declaration of compliance (ship and boat "EC")
  • Original of thebuilding certificate (non-CE series boat))
  • Original of thecertificate of honour (amateur construction)
  • Fact sheet (non-CE used vessel, of intra-community origin)

  • Original statement of unsubsibility (possibly)
  • Original of theact of francisation or the traffic card
  • Photocopy of the ID card or Passport (only IDs accepted)
  • For companies: extract from the register of trade (Kbis model) or photocopy of the business card
  • For associations: photocopy of the registration certificate at the prefecture
1st Registration – Bateau-immatriculation.com