CIN, HIN, WIN, vessel identification number

Understand an identification number and decipher a platebuilder

Hull identification number

  • CIN for "craft identification number"
  • HIN for "hull identification number"
  • WIN for watercraft indentification number
These English terms which designate the ID number of your ship, whether motor, sail or for a jet-ski

This number can be found on the nameplate of the ship or on a dedicated plate. The manufacturer's plate is usually located in the cockpit, near the cockpit, or on the transom. In the case of a jet ski, it is on the sides or at the back.

Motorboats and sailboats built from June 16, 1998 in Europe, must have a CIN, HIN, or WIN number. This numbering allows the application of a CE marking, a European standard aimed at guaranteeing the conformity of products manufactured on European soil.

Understand your identification number

Country code1 Manufacturer Code2 Serial number3* Production month4* Year of production5* Model Year6*
(1) Country code: ISO 3166 Alpha 2 standard (Example: FR for France).
(2) The manufacturer code is assigned by the administration.
(3) Serial number: unique construction identifier.
(4) Month of production: Represented by a letter between A and L
(5) Year of production: last digit of the year.
(6) Model Year: 12 month period during which the model of the vessel is expected to be sold.
(*): Informed by the manufacturer.

Nameplate of a pleasure boat

Example of a manufacturer's plate of an EC vessel:

Example of an EC vessel nameplate

The ID number of your ship is clean and cannot be changed, it is assigned by the manufacturer and is unique to him. A serial number is also assigned to each engine, whether it is inboard or outboard.

Also when buying a second-hand vessel, this number is a good indicator for judging the veracity of the information given by the seller.

Categories of design and navigation pleasure boat marked "CE"

Vessels marked "CE" are categorized according to their ability to navigate in sea and wind conditions, as well as significant wave height, in complete safety.

Depending on the desired navigation, the boater must inquire before purchasing a type of vessel, the category of navigation cannot be changed thereafter.

  • Design category A: pleasure craft designed for winds which may exceed force 8 (on the Beaufort scale) and for waves which may exceed a significant height of 4 meters, excluding exceptional conditions such as storms, severe storms, tornadoes and extreme sea conditions or huge waves (these conditions exclude forces 10 and up).
  • Design category B: pleasure craft designed for winds up to force 8 inclusive and for waves that can reach significant heights up to 4 meters inclusive.
  • Design category C: pleasure craft designed for winds up to force 6 inclusive and for waves that can reach significant heights up to two meters inclusive.
  • Design category D: pleasure craft designed for winds up to force 4 inclusive and for waves that can reach a significant height up to 0.30 meters inclusive, with occasional waves with a maximum height of 0 , 50 meters.