Pleasure Craft Traffic Card
Find out about the movement map of a pleasure boat in marine waters
A traffic map is a type of navigation title, one could compare it to a gray boat card, it is the title of the most common pleasure boat property
What navigation title for which boat?
The sea-water circulation card concerns only motor boats, and sailboats with a length of less than 7 metres, and a motor power, expressed in tax horses, less than 22 administrative horses.
The jet-ski of a power less than 90 kw (power expressed in kilowatt), as well as kayaks wishing to navigate beyond the 300 metre zone, must be registered and therefore holders of a traffic card.
My boat is more than 7 metres and/or more than 22 administrative horses
In the event that your motorboat or sailboat is more than 7 metres in length and/or an engine power expressed in tax horses over 22 administrative horses, you must make your boat franciser and obtain an act of francization.
Know all about the act of francization
Understanding my card
Maritime Traffic Map Recreational Boat Model
Category of navigation for which the vessel is registered
Vessel submersibility
A boat is declared unsinkable during its manufacture, after having undergone a battery of tests validated by the maritime administrations, this characteristic is not modifiable
Name given to the vessel and recorded on the traffic map
Name of the baptism of the boat, which you can modify on demand
Owner Information
In case there are more co-owners of the vessel, only the first two are written in all letters, the following are registered administratively but do not appear on the circulation card. Refer to "Number of owners"
HIN number, CIN or WIN of the shell
This is the identification number of the shell, it cannot be modified
Vessel Vessel Registration Number
This number shall be assigned by the maritime authorities at the first registration of the vessel, consisting of Two letters to the Marine Affairs Office Instructor of the file (e.g. TL for Toulon). Follow up to 6 characters, 1 letter + 5 digits or 6 digits, and a key letter. If you apply for a new traffic card as a result of a change in ownership, if you change an IP office, only the first two letters will be modified
Traffic Card Instructor Service
Bureau of Maritime Affairs which has instructed the registration of the vessel
Maritime and river traffic map new model
This is the new model for recreational boat traffic, less than 7 metres in length and an administrative power of less than 22 tax horses. The new charts of sea traffic have now been dematerialised since 1 October 2019, so the shipment is by mail via the email address of a software of the state called PUMA
In the case of river registration only, the format is the same, there is no differentiation of size or engine power.
Owner and Manager Concept
The great novelty on the traffic maps, apart from the dematerialization, is the appointment of a manager, only in case there are several co-owners of the boat. This will serve as a reference in case of rental of the boat and person to contact in case of damage
Validity of the traffic card
Another novelty on the new dematerialized circulation cards, they now have a validity date of 10 years, this will be renewed on request as the date approaches.Bateau Occasion