Professional contacts

Professionals, we are here to give them the best of our experience.

We respond every day by email or WhatsApp once you receive your application by email. Do not hesitate to describe as well as possible the typology of the ships you sell.


Why trust

A French reference company in the French nautical industry, we are the administrative manager that has registered the largest number of ships in France since 2018!

Why register a ship in France?

The French registry is easily accessible and allows any European citizen to register their ship safely and quickly.

15 days: this is the average time to obtain a French navigation title

0: This is the necessary number of renovations in the life of ownership of the ship

100%: This is the acceptance rate of our files

5/5: This is the review score of our clients


What are the taxes under the French flag?

 The DAFN tax for annual Franco and Navigation right, is a tax calculated based on the length of the boat and the fiscal power of the engine (there is no equivalence in CV or KW). An obsolescence deduction is established according to 3 scales, from 33% to 80%.
Keep in mind that 80% of ships are not affected by this tax. Do not hesitate to indicate the vessel model and the engine to calculate the amount for you.